Examples of hobbies in a resume

When writing a resume, many people think: is it really necessary to indicate your hobbies? In a modern resume, it is not as relevant to indicate your hobbies, hobbies, and interests as they used to be. Overall, it can help the recruiter to build an impression of you not only as an employee but also as a person in advance. […]

How to sell a pen in a job interview

For many job seekers, the interview becomes a rather difficult test – anxiety, constraint in communicating with a stranger, fear of making the wrong first impression affect. The employer, in turn, is in no hurry to create the most comfortable conditions for the applicant. One of the most common job interviews is asking to “sell” a pen or any other […]

Psychological interview

Recruiters’ fascination with psychology began a long time ago. The flourishing of psychological tests as the basis for making hiring decisions in the West fell in the 1980s and 1990s; in Russia, this trend began to actively develop in the early 2000s. And immediately aroused bewilderment among applicants – how to answer the tests? It turns out that now it […]